You should find all useful information relevant to bookingyour child(ren)'s place at HOPS below. If you have any further questions, please contact us via email at

Booking information
HOPS 2023 - TRINITY Primary School, Henley - 31st July - 4th August, 9am-3pm
If your child has a medical or other condition that you feel may impact their time at HOPS, please fill in the relevant form on the Book Now page and submit it by email to This does not affect your application, but ensures we can cater properly for your child.
Children with special needs​
HOPS endeavours to be an inclusive environment for all children. If your child has a condition or disability which would mean they would benefit for additional help, please contact us using the email above to discuss their needs and how we can best support them to fully enjoy their time with us.
Buddy system​
We recognise that some children need a little help to settle in to a new environment, so we run the HOPS Buddy System.
No matter what your child’s age, if they would benefit from a helping hand in the first hour of attendance to make friends, find their feet and fully relax, please introduce them on the day to our buddy team after first registering their attendance.
They will then be allocated a Play Helper to help them settle in as part of a group.
If your child needs one-to-one assistance, please contact us in advance to arrange this and discuss this.
What to bring​
Generally, children need only bring their packed lunch (please no NUTS!) and
money for the tuckshop - £1 a day is plenty.
Water is available to drink at all times.
If the weather is wet and the ground muddy, or if they plan to take part in the foam slide, then it’s wise to bring a change of clothing (named, please!) and possibly a small towel in a plastic bag. Please label all items.
Technology including but not limited to mobile phones and iPods should be left at home, but if we do see your child with some we will remove it and keep it safe in a locked box for the day and return it to your child at home time.
Lost property
All lost property will be collected and displayed each day for collection.
After HOPS week, it will be kept for two weeks, after which it will be disposed of or sent to charity, as appropriate.
Please note: in 2021 we had A LOT of uncollected lost property - we cannot store it so please try to check every day when collecting your child.
Tuck shop​
The tuck shop will normally be open 10.30-11.30am and 1.30-2pm.